Women's heroism in the Holocaust: a lecture at Rambam Hospital (Haifa) ​

As part of the Holocaust Remembrance Day events, Dr. Leah Ganor, director of the Mashmaut Center, was invited by Prof. Shraga Belzer and the deputy director of the hospital, Dr. Avi Wiseman, to give a lecture to the Rambam Hospital staff in Haifa.


On the victory day over Nazi Germany and in the week in which Israel commemorates the Holocaust Day, Dr. Leah Ganor, director of the Mashmaut Center in Motzkin, was invited to give a lecture to the medical staff of the Rambam Hospital in Haifa.
This is the second year that Ganor has come to the Rambam during Holocaust Remembrance Week, and chose to engage this time in her lecture to the hospital’s faculty on the subject of “Women’s Heroism in the Holocaust” while discussing the meanings of Holocaust remembrance in Israeli society and the acceptance of new perspectives on the concept of heroism as it has taken root in the public discourse since the beginning of the state to the present day and the exposure of society to new dimensions of memory concepts in research particular and the public in general.
The lecture in front of the faculty also exposed the participants to the work of the Mashmaut Center and the memory of the Holocaust among the Israeli public and youth in particular. Thanks to the deputy director of the hospital, Dr. Avi Wiseman, as well as to Prof. Sharaga Belzer for the unique invitation.
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