Leadership and Zionism

The target audience: elementary school – 4th grade and up, according to the age group.
 High school – 7th grade and up, according to the age group.
What is leadership? Can everyone be a leader? And what is needed for that? Who were the leaders that influenced and shaped our society?  What made them leaders?
During the study day, “Leadership and Zionism,” the students go on an experiential journey through the events and figures that influenced and shaped the nature of the Israeli society state.  
The students experience’ leadership’ and its qualities in a dynamic activity. They learn what ‘Zionism’ is and how each character realized the Zionist vision through personal initiative and example.
During our day, we emphasize how the leadership of the past is relevant to our lives today and how we can be inspired by it.
Our goals
  1. 1. Understanding the term “leadership” and the personal responsibility toward society.
  2. 2. studying terms of “Zionism” and its connection to our Declaration of Independence.
  3. 3. Exposing the students to the founders of the state of Israel and their work.
  4. Inspiring motivation to connect and know more about the history of the country and society.
Program duration: 2 hours | Type of activity: Educational workshops
הגדרות כלליות כניסה למערכת

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